Sunday, April 28, 2013

When and how students write

Adam Gulla maximized his word count by
"counting" journaling each week.
Here's a post over at my blog The Big Thing about the students who drafted the most words in my class during Spring 2013: Adam Gulla and Veronica Sipe.

Here's a sneak peek:
I found this great article the other day, “Seven Effing Great Ways to Build Your Writing Routine.”  The author encourages us to find our writing “sweet spots” in order to maximize our daily/weekly output.

Consider the following questions:
  • How long does your typical writing session tend to last?
  • How frequently do you sit down to write?
  • On average, how many words do you write per session?
  • At what time of the day do you do your writing?

1 comment:

  1. This is probably a good idea. I never know when my writing energy is highest
